Hiraeth: a feeble attempt to visualize a home

Vulpes Bastille, 1737 Locust St, Kansas City, MO 64108

Sept. 2024

Hiraeth (noun.): a deep yearning for something, someone, or somewhere. A homesickness for a home you cannot return to, a home which maybe never was, the lost places of your past, and a home you have never been.

What is a home? For someone struggling with homelessness, it’s a roof over their head. For someone thousands of miles away from their homeland, it may be the familiar scent of a childhood meal. For those in an abusive relationship or a chaotic household, home is somewhere they find peace and calmness. Home might mean friendship, connections, and communities for those who recently relocated.

Installation Photos

Opening Night


Watchful Birds in Flying Colors @ Tim Murphy Gallery