Ltd. Ed. Prints - And so she treads through the clouds
Size: 8” x 12”
Fine art print on bright white watercolor paper.
Singed and numbered.
Size: 8” x 12”
Fine art print on bright white watercolor paper.
Singed and numbered.
Size: 8” x 12”
Fine art print on bright white watercolor paper.
Singed and numbered.
The Story Behind
This painting was completed half a year after I moved out of the joint rental within 3 days all by myself. Instead of allowing myself to crumble, I chose to crawl out of hell. And for the first time in my life, I feel alive, loved, and supported. I feel cherished by so many people and I can trust others again. I am more than grateful to everyone who decided to stay instead of walking away, who reached out instead of standing afar, who taught me good lessons instead of scolding me with judgment.
I'm still here. Still alive. Still painting. I will never forget myself again.